December 25, 2021

Top 5 SaaS Application Development Company

SaaS is termed the largest platform of worldwide public cloud service networks. This platform comprises entities from startups to tech master companies. This ensures an equal and optimistic, full of opportunities cloud for all kinds of businesses. If you look into the present market scenario then you will see those famous tech companies such as Adobe, Microsoft, Windows also look forward in this direction. The SaaS development company or the SaaS market is currently growing to its peak in current years and the growth will be increased more and more in upcoming years. It is estimated by Gartner that this Global service platform will grow more than $144 billion by the end of 2022.

person using phone and laptop computer
Photographer: Austin Distel | Source: Unsplash

You might be wondering if this is the correct time to switch your workings on SaaS? How to start from the basics? What things should you consider before starting? Don't worry! This article will give you all the detailed information about SaaS and will also let you know why this is thought to be the most cost-effective, easily accessible, and also why everyone is dependent on this nowadays. Also if you are thinking if this application is good for startups or beginners, yes it is! So let's dive in!

What is SaaS?

SaaS is known as Software as a service. It is a process of delivering applications through online platforms as a service. Many feel clumsiness while installing and maintaining such applications or software. SaaS can be life saviors for you in this case. By accessing it only through the internet you can free yourself from tiring complex software and hardware management.

SaaS software is also termed hosted software, on-demand software, or online-based software too. These applications run on a SaaS provider’s servers. The provider manages all the applications including availability, security, performance, and many more.

Benefits And Risks Associated With SaaS Development

Before investing in any of the SaaS application software you should evaluate that application before. Let’s see the benefits and risks of this application development.

Benefits Of SaaS Development

There are quite an effective benefits of SaaS development software, let us see those.

Reduction of time consumption

The most effective merit of this development is that it is quite easy to configure and install its application in comparison to other services. So it lessens the time consumption rate spent on installation and administration processes. It also eliminates the problems with software deployment. Another facility of this is that it allows all business entities the flexibility to change and adjust according to their needs. Such as a company can choose SaaS software by creating accounts instead of buying licenses physically if a company needs a KPI dashboard in a moment.


The total cost is reduced in this case because it reduces deployment and maintenance costs and thus brings a fortune for both developers as well as their clients. When any business entity decides to go with SaaS development instead of adapting their own measures, they automatically reduce their software development and infrastructural costs. So you can present your customers with a very lucrative alternative and custom-build solution by offering them a product that ensures a significant amount of cost savings.


Another basic reason why most of the companies are reaching out to SaaS services is that these applications are incredibly simple giving the users an opportunity to try out and use them. The customers can easily sign up for a trial and decide which one fits their needs from anywhere and anytime. You can easily try out the free version and select your desired one and then earn a big fortune from your business via paid plans. The whole SaaS applications are built in such a way that it incorporates the present market condition easily enabling more and more remote work.

Risks Of SaaS Development

Every scientific application has its mixed works. So let’s have a quick look at the risk associated with this.


It's the ultimate truth that your business won't grow if your service and products are not scalable. Your customers might change their service platforms if you don’t maintain a high app performance. No one can tolerate it if your service and software lag behind. Proper monitoring and optimization can secure a competitive base of your SaaS. It's a simple equation, scalable applications will help you to gain more customers and will also add value to your business.


protecting the customer details and their data and security are the most important factors for all business and software vendors. You can attract a great number of customers only if you can keep their data safe and secure. If you fail to protect their privacy then the consequences might cost you a fortune. Security concerns are the biggest concerns for any business entity in the present world. There are many records of influential companies falling victim to the grasp of such security issues and these cost them a huge amount of money for enduring the legal procedures and customer settlements. If your SaaS offers poor security threads then the personal data of individual customers, company data, bank details might get exposed and will create a permanent scar in your history.

Monetization Problems

Monetization is considered to be the biggest challenge in this platform because your SaaS app will become successful in the long run if it brings a good amount of revenue. Right? So for earning a healthy amount of fortune you must decide the way of acquiring potential users and generate revenues firstly. Whether you will provide a free app that earns revenue on ads or you will be betting users on a free trial to convince them to purchase your app, you will have to decide wisely. Your planning should not rest on this part. You will have to decide the pricing of your app as your company grows and the competitive landscape changes with time. You will have to decide pricing by keeping in mind the right value for price ratio. So keeping all the factors in mind you need to prepare your monetization model which will be feasible and comprises all the app maintenance and upgrade costs.

What Should You Look For In A SaaS Development Company Before Using?


As this is a platform to connect with other businesses, the standards of such companies increase in the market. Before selecting the right company for you, search in your respective areas in the market to ensure that your needs will be met. You need to look for the right experts for your right project and this is very important.

Reviews of clients

You can easily look into reviews from their clients to prove a company’s credibility and reliability. The 5-star ratings and reviews are collected by some platforms and you can look into those to find your best.


To find out the right one, you need to look into their examples of work. Exploring the vendors’ websites and accounts can give you an idea. There are various case studies where you can visualize their expertise and experience in conducting SaaS applications effortlessly.

Digital sources

Another way is to check their website, social media, blogs to analyze its content, usability, structure, and design. You can easily get an idea by analyzing these factors.

Team structure

It is actually a complex and demanding task. So you need to look precisely in choosing the developing team. You need to look for a full-cycle development team for creating a platform from scratch.

Technological expertise

Programming tools used in developing SaaS products have a huge impact. Good expertise in a specific set of tools is way better than a wide range of expertise. You need to look for a company that has deep domain expertise.

Top 5 SaaS Development Company

1.TechTIQ Solutions

TechTIQ Solutions is a software and app development company in Singapore. This company focuses on providing world-class and cost-effective IT solutions which help businesses to flourish by engaging more with the customers. As they use a collaborative approach, it helps the companies to emphasize consultation and digital transformations, guaranteeing customer satisfaction.

Though it is a very young company in the market, it has still provided more than 0.5 million man-hours to maintain customer satisfaction. Their customers are diversified including media, logistics, transportation, banking, healthcare, and many more. they have highly skilled experts in various loT protocols and software development stacks including PHP, Java, RoR, ReactJS, ASP.NET, iOS, Android, and others. Besides, they have a bunch of passionate software developers, engineers, and business analysts.

2. Intellectsoft

Established in 2007, Intellectsoft is a digital transformation consultancy and a software development company. The company has helped more than 500 enterprise clients and companies including startups and large organizations in their digital transformation journey. They have provided services to both local and international brands including Universal, NHS, Bombardier, Nestle, Guinness, Land Rover, and Griffin.

Their software services include enterprise software development., offshore dedicated development team, IT consulting, testing and QA, UI/UX design, mobile app development, etc. they have a great skill set possessing employees which helps them to resolve complex issues of various clients emerging from digital evolution.

3. Saigon Technology

Founded in 2012, this is a Vietnam-based software development company that specializes in providing high-quality and cost-effective outsourcing and effective software development solutions. They have a wide range of customers comprising E-finance, E-business, logistics, healthcare, media, transportation, and so on. They have more than 100 employees with top-notch skills and expertise in different fields including Java, AngularJS, PHP, ReactJS, NET CORE, iOS, Android, NodeJS, and Native app development Services. They offer their services through project/fixed price and customer-based models and focus mainly on offshore software development services and software development outsourcing.

Saigon technology has a vast range of portfolios including startups, international clients, and Fortune’s 500 firms. This company has a record of successful projects, permanent customers from America, Singapore, Europe, Australia, and others.

4. ScienceSoft Development Company

Since its origin in 1989, the company has made a position in this market for delivering scalable and reliable solutions for various businesses' digital success. This software development and consulting company is focused on providing adaptable and powerful digital solutions for unlocking future great opportunities in this competitive era.

This company has a vast number of teams of passionate experts with the latest IT knowledge which helps to provide custom products and solutions that meet the demand of the users. It can help you to boost up your company's performance with a team of highly skilled IT experts. You will be able to maintain the lead in the market by delivering the latest digital appliances. Some of the recent trends that are available in their service list are IoT, machine learning, big data, and mixed reality.

5. ODS Group

Originating in Sydney, Australia, The ODS Group is one of the best software development companies. This company solely focuses on providing outsourced software development and other software development solutions associated with this. They have a great team of innovative and efficient professionals with years of experience in this field. They have the efficient capacity to enact the systems in such a way so that the company workflow and sustainable growth increase. They have been attracting new customers with their progressive works every day. They also focus on cold calls, networking, and contacting old clients.

Final Words

SaaS apps will remain a popular software development option on the market. There are several benefits of SaaS app development. Most importantly, it’s cost efficiency, reduced time to benefit, and accessibility. There are a few monetization models you can choose from, with Freemium being increasingly popular among top SaaS products. It provides users with a preview of the product on the free plan, and – should they upgrade to a paid subscription – it minimizes the risk of their churn.

If you have an idea for a SaaS application, but you lack the expertise to develop it internally, then it’s a good idea to work with an external SaaS development services company. You can research a little bit about the company’s expertise and experiences by analyzing their portfolio and client reviews, team structure as well as technological stack usage. Put them all together and analyze their previous works and then decide which experienced SaaS development company you should go for.

Looking for a tool to do your SaaS application development? You can give PolyUno a shot. Book a call today to help your brand develop and transform your digital journey.

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