April 3, 2022

How Hard Is Web Design? Skills Needed To Become A Web Designer

If you’ve ever considered taking on web design as a profession, you must’ve wondered how complex web design is. Don’t worry - you’re not alone in this regard. Anyone considering a career as a web designer wants to know if they are making the rational choice. They also want to discover if mastering website design principles is difficult and if the job is manageable and gratifying.

working on pc

Prospective web designers have a ton of questions. So, in this article, we will discuss the following -

So, if you’re interested, keep reading.

Why Web Design Is A Lucrative Profession

There are numerous websites in diverse sectors on the internet. As a result, people from around the globe are constructing sites. As a result, web design is a rewarding profession that is also fun to study, and you will be able to find work. We can also assist with the decision between graphic design and web design.

web design
Source: https://www.jotform.com/

On the other hand, most people are concerned about how difficult it is to pursue and master website design as a profession. There are some basics to work on, to be sure. In addition, you'll need the necessary tools to succeed in the job, such as Bulma Framework and other CSS frameworks. Finally, your methods will be determined by your field of work and your goals.

Regardless, there are a few essential tools that every designer ought to have. You should, for example, be familiar with version control. Git, or version control, is a system that keeps track of the updates you apply to your files so you can refer back to them later. Web design is a subset of web development, a larger field.

What Is Web Development?

Web development is the process of coding and building websites and web applications. It entails construction and upkeep. It's essentially what goes on beneath the surface of a well-designed and functional website. A web developer's primary purpose is to construct a website that provides the best possible user experience.

web development process
Source: https://www.kindpng.com/

There are three primary forms of web development, and understanding them will help you pick which to pursue. They are as follows -

  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer

Front-End Developer

A front-end developer is in charge of the website's client-side operations. To ensure the optimum user experience, they are concerned with the layout, design, & engagement. Front-end web development is significant for someone with an artistic disposition and someone who cares about appearances.

Back-End Developer

The website's back-end developer is the brains behind the operation. The web developer is responsible for all coding and data. For logical thinking, a job in back-end development may be ideal. It entails web development on the server-side.

Full-Stack Developer

Full-stack developers work on both the front-end and back-end of websites.

It is ideal for folks who can multitask well. It's also a good option if you love working on a project from start to finish, ensuring that it runs seamlessly and successfully.

Practical Skills Required For Web Development


A site designer should be able to code as well. To place material on a web page and in an organized manner, he/she needs to be familiar with HyperText Markup Language (HTML).

Source: https://henryegloff.com/

You should be able to add headlines, footers, paragraphs, and graphics to a website as a web designer. As a result, knowing HTML benefits you in the long run toward assisting you in completing your projects.


While web designers need not be experts in programming languages like JavaScript, knowing how to utilize one might aid in creating an interactive website. It also offers you a significant advantage over the competitors. You may develop a website with numerous distinctive features using a programming language like JavaScript.


The code that tells browsers how to format or structure HTML for a web page is Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS improves the appearance of a website by allowing you to change the colors, fonts, and background of the page. In addition, it enables you to incorporate your imagination into the site you're developing.


User experience (UX) refers to how users feel when they visit a website and interact with it. Most of all, UX design is about addressing your designs out of a user-friendly and user-first standpoint – this involves asking how you can create a website design that assists people in obtaining what they require.

UX design
Source: https://www.ltts.com/

To do so, you'll conduct user research and develop "personas." A site map will be used to set out the sections and information. You'll find out the route users follow on your site in user flows. Do they, for instance, always go directly to social media? Or, are they just searching for a way to reach you? You'll employ responsive design to accommodate varied screen sizes and increase functionality for all users, no matter what device they're using.

As a UX designer, you'll draw up the essential aspects of each webpage, such as the user interface, using wireframes, prototypes, and templates. All of these elements are necessary for effective user experience design.

Visual Design

Since web design is a subset of the greater area of visual design, it's logical to start there. Design methodologies are among the most crucial things for web designers to understand since they impact how a site looks and feels. Proportions, typography, grid systems, and color theory are only a few examples. Developing mood boards and type hierarchies and playing with web fonts and color palettes are all part of learning visual design.

Graphic Design & Web Design Software

You'll need the correct tools to execute your job as a web designer, just like any other artisan. In many scenarios, understanding the industry standards of web design and graphic design will be beneficial.

graphic design
Source: https://www.totaljobs.com/

While developing a website can be done entirely in a computer browser, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketch is used in visual and online design for a variety of tasks, including making prototypes, asset design (such as logos and images), and, of course, altering and improving photos. It’ll help you out in the long run if you learn how to use them.

Soft Skills Required For Web Development

Social Media Marketing

SEO (search engine optimization), online marketing, and social networking skillsets may appear better suited to marketers or salespeople than web designers. However, because the Internet is how so many businesses sell these days, you should also understand them.

Social Media Marketing
Source: https://www.exchange4media.com/

Understanding the fundamentals of each and remembering them for both customers and your sites can take you far in your web design career.

Client Management

Recognizing the bottom line, whether as a worker or a contractor, can assist you in ensuring that you or your firm is lucrative and viable. You don't have to return to school for an MBA, but you must have a good understanding of your employer's or your own company's objectives and resources to use them to direct your work. If you work directly with clients, you should have a strategy in place to ensure that your cash flow and project back catalog are both excellent and manageable in the short and long haul.

Time Management

To be a great web designer, you'll need to remain on top of your schedule and assignments, whether you're learning web design to go independent or work for a corporation. This could entail learning productivity apps like task lists or calendars, or learning project management tools like Trello, Asana, or JIRA, mainly if you work in a large business. Whichever tools you choose, understanding the discipline of planning and monitoring your work is critical to your success in the fast-paced world of web design.


A designer's ability to stay in touch and communicate effectively is also essential. You can't earn money designing websites unless you have excellent communication skills. You'll be required to keep customers informed about their projects' status, present ideas, and present your work. If you own your one-person firm, you might even be asked to do some copywriting or editing for websites. So focus on your writing and presenting skills, and you'll have no trouble getting your message over to clients and coworkers.

How To Map Your Career In Web Design

To begin your career path as a designer, you must first master the fundamental web design skills. Then, learn professional web design and coding skills. It will teach you how to build a website from start to end, including wireframing and iterating through the sitemap till the final step.

Acquiring new skill sets, such as UI and UX design, will help you expand your digital portfolio. After completing your profile, you may select a development specialization in which you will master technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and version control systems. The various sorts of web & mobile application development and front-end development may all be learned. It will assist you in preparing for a career in web design.

UX designer

To correctly manage a web development project, you'll also need a foundation in mathematics and programming. Even if you have to start from the ground up, having such expertise puts you ahead of the competition. Individuals with a bachelor's degree in computer science or a similar topic thrive at web design and rise swiftly in their careers.

It would be best if you also improve your technical abilities. Web design necessitates fundamental technical skills. Therefore if you're interested in becoming a web designer, you'll need to brush up on coding elements like JavaScript. In addition, you'll need to brush up on CSS frameworks like Backbone, Foundation, and Bootstrap if you want to design websites and mobile apps. You should also be familiar with back-end languages such as PHP and Ruby On Rails and database tools such as MySQL and Oracle.

You'll also need strong programming abilities, and using sites like GitHub to practice will help you succeed in your web design job. Coding allows you to know how to control a multifaceted site and build functional problem-solving capabilities connected to coding.

You must also have an internet presence and a résumé of your abilities available for employers to view. Possessing a résumé allows you to try out different systems and show off your coding skills.

The Most Sought After Digital Designers

Motion Designers

Animation is now a crucial skill set for developers, and as a result, experts with this skill set are in high demand. Motion designers are experts in motion animation and are in demand in various fields. From UI animations to web interactions and marketing, motion design is used in practically every design.

UX Designers

UX designers are in high demand, and the job market has grown quite competitive. They ensure that the consumer experience is excellent and that the product is simple to use. UX designers are at the core of consumer happiness, and their efforts either increase or decrease revenue. As a result, many businesses invest in UX designers with the necessary abilities and recognize them as valuable assets.

Graphic Designer

Since businesses thoroughly want graphic designers, developers must be proficient in Adobe Photoshop & have good visual communication skills. In addition, graphic design abilities are used in social media platforms and corporate identity, and many companies are still on the lookout for it.

Product Designers

Many companies today want to promote their products as a distinct brand, which necessitates the services of a product designer. Every product design must be unique and connect strongly with the company.

Product Designer
Source: https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/

Numerous product designers collaborate with different teams in-house at every step of the manufacturing process to guarantee that the finished product satisfies the goals. Therefore, product designers must have a keen sense of detail, problem-solving, and superior communication abilities.


Web design can be a complex undertaking, especially if you’re just starting. However, if you have the right mindset and tools, web design won’t be too hard to learn. Moreover, web design is incredibly worth the effort as it can result in a lucrative career that brings you financial freedom and satisfaction with your work. You have many options in web design - from being a self-employed freelancer to working for a prestigious IT company. The possibilities are endless.

However, if you are a business owner who needs web designing services and doesn’t know where to start, give us a call. Here at PolyUno, our teams can help you with any stage of the web development process - from software development, UI/UX design, Content, SEO, and even server infrastructure. Our clients include world-renowned brands such as Google, Microsoft, and Shopify, amongst many others.

Book A Call Today.

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